Cosmos Is a Global Electronic
Components Distributor.


Why choosing us

Almost 8 years experience in electronic components industry,A variety of channels to satisfy various demands including industrial product.

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Who we are

Is a reliable and professional electronic components supplier,We are with great passion of it,Our customers will trust us and make long-term cooperation with us.

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What we do

A variety of channels of electronic components supply is our superiority, industrial integrated circuit (IC) is our main business...

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Our Services

Including resistors, capacitors, diode,transistor, LEDs, connectors, etc. To be your reliable and convenient purchasing partner is our goal...

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Over 5000000+ stock, ship the same day.
Get high quality parts at lower price.
The most recognized eMarketplace offering the largest online
inventory of electronic components in the industry components.
We have been providing the community of electronic
component brokers and franchised distributors.

Our cooperative partner

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